Meet Shana!

Hey yall,

Welcome to Taylor's Trinkets...we can't wait to accessorize you!

My name is Shana Grinnage and I am your jewelry lady! I am a wife and mom to a very active almost 5 year old named Taylor! She is the Taylor of Taylor's Trinkets! I am also a bonus mom to 6 children ranging in ages 11-32 (I!!!) and I wouldn't have it any other way! We are truly a blended family!  In addition to owning my business, I have a full time job in Emergency Services. I enjoy doing both because in both fields I am helping people and changing lives. 

Accessories....yes I love love love them and always has.  I was that girl whose friends were always coming over to borrow something or telling me to bring them jewelry that would match their outfits.  There was a time before the birth of my daughter that I made jewelry but when I found out I was pregnant, that had to stop.  

So fast forward, almost 2 years after I had Taylor, I was on Facebook and stumbled upon one of my childhood friends doing a Live showing jewelry.  She said this jewelry was only $5 and I was in disbelief because the quality of it was amazing. The next day we chatted on the phone and I signed up that very day to be a consultant and a business owner.  Having a business making your own jewelry to now purchasing and selling it is a change of pace but a very impactful one. 

Joining Paparazzi has changed me in ways that before I only dreamed of becoming.  I am typically shy (no one believes that but I really am lol) so getting in front of the camera was terrifying for me.  I finally got up the courage to do it and here I am.  I love going Live and connecting with people all over the world.  This business has taught me how to become a successful entrepreneur and how by sharing my story can really impact others.  It has opened doors for me that weren't possible before.  I am a Director within Paparazzi and have several amazing people on my team.  Are you the next one to join my team?

Taylor's Trinkets now does several vendor events a year.  I run an online boutique (one of my dreams) that is updated daily with new inventory.  We do home parties, basket parties, charity events and the list goes on and on.  I am rubbing elbows and having conversations with millionaires, who became millionaires because of Paparazzi.  Let me tell you, this business is life changing.  It's not just about the money.  It's about the feeling you get when you know that by selling $5 jewelry, you have become a game changer.